
Tellico 0.13pre3 Released

I think I’ve reached the end of my pre-release cycle for Tellico. Tellico 0.13pre3 is available for download, and I expect to finish polishing the rough edges within a week and have 0.13 ready by Thanksgiving.

New features or changes in -pre3 are

  • Command-line options for loading bibtex, MODS, and RIS data. Try tellico --help for info.
  • The ISBN search will load a list of ISBN values from a file or URL.
  • The lyxpipe citation will auto-generate a bibtex key if none exists for the entry.
  • Added Virginie Quesnay to the Thanks box for her new icons.

I’m going to finish updating the documentation before putting out version 0.13. There are a couple other bugs that I want to nail down, too. The PIlotDB export acts funky, and I can’t track down a cause.

I’ll probably put an announcement on Freshmeat or kde-apps tomorrow.